Health and Safety Studio Protocols

  1. If your child or anyone in attendance is sick (fever, persistent cough, excessive runny nose, vomiting, or diarrhea), you ABOLUTELY MUST reschedule your session. These are only pictures and we can arrange for a safer time for you to be in the studio.
  2. Photographer will wear a mask for in-studio newborn sessions. No one except the photographer needs to wear a mask.
  3. Hand sanitizer is available for use.
  4. A clean changing table pad is used for each session.
  5. Cake smash session floors are either made with paper that will be thrown away after or a washable surface that is sanitized before and after use.
  6. Photographer will wash hands before your session along with occasional use of sanitizer throughout your session.
  7. Items that come in contact with saliva or become soiled will be laundered and/or sanitized between use for the safety of all clients.
  8. Photographer is fully vaccinated including including Tdap and the yearly flu, and Covid-19